- ACAC Al Bohonus Awards
- ACAC Hall of Fame
- CCAA Hall of Fame
- CCAA Coaching Excellence Award
- CCAA Athletic Director of the Year
ACAC Al Bohonus Awards
The Al Bohonus Recognition Award recognizes substantial contributions to the ACAC.
- PJ Swales (Curling Convenor), 2015-16
- Danny Rode (ACAC Coverage), 2013-14
- Keith Hansen (Executive Search), 2011-12
- PJ Swales (Cross Country Running Convenor), 2010-11
- Allan Ferchuck (Executive Search), 2006-07
- Brian Stackhouse (Cross Country Running Convenor), 2004-05
- Keith Hansen (Men's Volleyball Convenor), 2004-05
- Suzanne Blackwell (Cross Country Skiing Convenor), 2002-03
- Cor Ouwerkerk (Women's Volleyball Convenor), 1999-00
ACAC Hall of Fame
The ACAC Hall of Fame recognizes, every two years, it's esteemed builders and administrators, respected coaching leaders and talented student-athletes. This is a list of RDC alumni currently in the ACAC Hall of Fame.
- Keith Hansen - 2024 Coach Category
- Wayne Lalor - 2014 Builder Category
- Brock Davidiuk - 2014 Athlete Category
- Allan Ferchuck - 2014 Builder Category
- Cor Ouwerkerk - 2014 Coach Category
- Gavin Schmitt - 2017 Athlete Catergory
- Kings Volleyball Teams (1999-00 to 2006-07) - 2017 Team Category
CCAA Hall of Fame
The CCAA Hall of Fame distinguishes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Canadian collegiate athletics, either by virtue of their performance on an athletic team, or by meritorious efforts on behalf of the CCAA.
- Brock Davidiuk - 2019 Athlete Category
- Allan Ferchuck - 2019 Builder Category
- Cor Ouwerkerk - 2019 Coach Category
CCAA Coaching Excellence Award
The Coaching Excellence Award recognizes coaching contributions to sport and to athlete development over a period of five (5) years or more.
- Brian Stackhouse, 2015-16
- Talbot Walton, 2014-15
- Aaron Schulha, 2013-14
- Keith Hansen, 2002-03
- Keith Hansen, 2001-02
CCAA Athletic Director of the Year
- Keith Hansen, 2011-12
- Allan Ferchuk, 2004-05