Academic Support Services
As a student-athlete, you have many demands on your time: school, practices and games, work, leisure, and personal relationships. At times, this can become overwhelming and you may find that you are struggling to balance it all.
Fortunately, RDP offers a wide variety of programs and services that are designed to help keep you balanced. These programs are free for RDP students and provide you with the tools you need to be successful during your time at RDP.
Do you need help with program entrance or graduation requirements? Are you looking for assistance with course selections, course withdrawals, or transfer credit?
If so, please click here to find out more information about RDP’s Student Advising and Recruiting Centre.
Are you struggling with your classes and are looking for more effective learning strategies? Do you need assistance in writing, mathematics, or other courses that you are enrolled in?
If so, please click here to find out more information about the Academic Support Services available at RDP.
Do you require resources and accommodations (i.e. exam accommodations, assistive technology, Sign Language interpretation, note-taking services, etc.) in order to be successful at RDP?
If so, please click here to find out more information about the types of accommodations that are available to you.
Are you dealing with issues in your personal life?
If so, please click here to find out more information about RDP’s Counselling Services.