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The Kings sweep the Trojans in hockey action

The Kings sweep the Trojans in hockey action

Calgary, October 22 - The Red Deer Polytechnic Kings grind out a 4-3 win against the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Trojans in Calgary on Saturday night.

Within the first five minutes of the opening frame, Kings forward Jacob Kendall jumped on a rebound from a shot by Dylan Esau in the slot to take the early 1-0 lead. Deegan Mofford would get the second assist on the goal.

No less then three minutes later, the Trojans scored the equalizer. Second-year forward Brandon Machado was sent on a partial breakaway by teammate Keigan Casey where he would fire one past Kings goaltender Evan Fradette. The second assist was given to Brett Trentham.

The two teams would go to the dressing room at the end of the first period tied at one. The shots on goal were in favour of the visiting Kings with 10 and the Trojans were able to get off five shots on Fradette.

It was a quiet start to the second period with both teams checking and playing defensive, but it definitely picked up in the last six minutes of the period. The Kings did not let that silence go much longer. Denmark-native Sean Michalevich was sprung a pass from the Kings zone by Brennan Davis. Michalevich would race into the Trojans zone short-handed and would take a shot, but it was blocked by the Trojans defenceman. This gave off a rebound and the Denmark-native was able to snap it in between the legs of the Trojans goaltender to make it 2-1 Kings.

With six minutes left to play, the Kings would jump to a 3-1 lead. Mofford would steal the puck away from Cayden Shmyr and would fire it on net, but Boston Bilous, the Trojans goaltender, saved it. However, he would give off a rebound and Mofford was there to jump on it to put it away for the Kings third goal of the game.

Moments later, the Trojans would cut into the Kings lead with a powerplay goal by Tye Carriere. The assists on the Carriere goal went to Trentham and Machado.

Some good hard checking from the Kings in their zone led to them taking the puck up the ice. This is where Mofford released a pass to Kendall in which he snuck it through the pads of Bilous for his second of the game and a 4-2 lead for the Kings as they head to the final frame.

With more physicality and both teams checking, it led to more of a defensive period. The Trojans would get the only goal of the period from Carriere at 12:26. Machado and Dylan Schives would get the assists on the goal.

The Kings would finish off their weekend with a two-game sweep of the Trojans after a 4-3 victory.

Carriere was named the player of the game for the Trojans, while Mofford earned the honour for the Kings with three points on the night

Their next game will be on the road in Lac la Biche when they take on the Portage College Voyageurs on October 28 and 29. Tune in to ACACTV for the streaming of both games.